推荐:揭秘SQL Server2000安全设置全攻略
Microsoft建立了一种既灵活又强大的安全管理机制,它能够对用户访问SQLServer服务器系统和数据库的安全进行全面地管理。按照本文介绍的步骤,你可以为SQLServer2000构造出一个灵活的、可管理的安全策略,而且它的安全性经得起考验。 一、验证方法选择 本文对
action add aggregate all
alter after and as
asc avg avg_row_length auto_increment
between bigint bit binary
blob bool both by
cascade case char character
change check checksum column
columns comment constraint create
cross current_date current_time current_timestamp
data database databases date
datetime day day_hour day_minute
day_second dayofmonth dayofweek dayofyear
dec decimal default delayed
delay_key_write delete desc describe
distinct distinctrow double drop
end else escape escaped
enclosed enum explain exists
fields file first float
float4 float8 flush foreign
from for full function
global grant grants group
having heap high_priority hour
hour_minute hour_second hosts identified
ignore in index infile
inner insert insert_id int
integer interval int1 int2
int3 int4 int8 into
if is isam join
key keys kill last_insert_id
leading left length like
lines limit load local
lock logs long longblob
longtext low_priority max max_rows
match mediumblob mediumtext mediumint
middleint min_rows minute minute_second
modify month monthname myisam
natural numeric no not
null on optimize option
optionally or order outer
outfile pack_keys partial password
precision primary procedure process
processlist privileges read real
references reload regexp rename
replace restrict returns revoke
rlike row rows second
select set show shutdown
smallint soname sql_big_tables sql_big_selects
sql_low_priority_updates sql_log_off sql_log_update sql_select_limit
sql_small_result sql_big_result sql_warnings straight_join
starting status string table
tables temporary terminated text
then time timestamp tinyblob
tinytext tinyint trailing to
type use using unique
unlock unsigned update usage
values varchar variables varying
varbinary with write when
where year year_month zerofill
1.使用排序使数据有序 通常,你的所有数据真正需要的仅仅是按某种顺序排列。SQL的ORDERBY语句可以以字母或数字顺序组织数据。因此,相似的值按组排序在一起。然而,这个分组时排序的结果,并不是真的分组。ORDERBY显示每条记录而分组可能代表很多记录。 2.进
- sql 语句练习与答案
- 深入C++ string.find()函数的用法总结
- SQL Server中删除重复数据的几个方法
- sql删除重复数据的详细方法
- SQL SERVER 2000安装教程图文详解
- 使用sql server management studio 2008 无法查看数据库,提示 无法为该请求检索数据 错误916解决方法
- SQLServer日志清空语句(sql2000,sql2005,sql2008)
- Sql Server 2008完全卸载方法(其他版本类似)
- sql server 2008 不允许保存更改,您所做的更改要求删除并重新创建以下表
- SQL Server 2008 清空删除日志文件(瞬间日志变几M)
- Win7系统安装MySQL5.5.21图解教程
- 将DataTable作为存储过程参数的用法实例详解
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