31. Create a Slideshow in Adobe Fireworks CS4
Click here to view the finished gallery
This tutorial will teach you how to create a beautiful slideshow gallery with transition effects, categories, captions and resizable images in Fireworks CS4.
32. How to Change the Colour of an Image Object in Adobe Fireworks
An example of how to create a computer mouse
Quite often, when searching for a relevant image to go on a new website we are designing, we’ll find one that’s almost right, but not quite! Read on to find out how simple it is to change the colour of a selected part of an image in Adobe Fireworks.
131 Web 2.0 Layer Styles for Fireworks
How to create Light Painting in Fireworks.
Worth Checking Resources
75 Powerful Adobe Fireworks Extensions
This set is based on Ultimate Web 2.0 Layer Styles for Photoshop and is re-done for Fireworks.
Here are some of the best 75 Adobe Fireworks Extensions (MXP), nearly all are compatabile with Fireworks MX, 8 and CS3 (and quite a few with Fireworks 3 and 4).
List of Fireworks compatible plug ins
- The Things You Might Have Missed
- Rapid prototyping in Fireworks CS3
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