Maybe its not that bad when you are strugling with your difficult new start; Maybe its for the best that the world is unsettle around you; Maybe your life doesn't have to be filles with a string of parties and newcomers. As time goes by, the newness will eventurally grow old; You may finally settle the unsettles; And the true friends and true love would stay at last.
Rainbow Rowell真的很擅长于刻画这些敏感怪异与现实生活显得格格不入的主角,包括在这一本书里面对于Cath的刻画。虽然也许在大众眼中Cath的一些行为非常让人无法理解,她喜欢写作多于喜欢社交,她对同人文有着近乎狂热的偏执,还有她大多数时候称得上是逃避型人格的行事准则。
第一次知道这本书是因为听说里面主角所在的‘fandom’是以Harry Potter为原型改编的,出于对这种‘改编’的好奇心买了这本书,翻了几页就立刻爱上了Rainbow对于人物的塑造,然而很遗憾的是打开豆瓣想搜索一下评论却看到了很多对于Cath这个角色的无端指责。
换言之,Cath只是一个普通的美国大学生,她的生活经历甚至都算不上完美,她的妈妈在她和双胞胎妹妹小时候离开了她,她的爸爸是一个工作狂,她的双胞胎妹妹突然宣布要疏远她,接着离家多年的妈妈突然回来要和她修复关系。她的生活中有太多的麻烦要操心,这也是为什么她认为Simon Snow的世界对于她来说是一个很好的避难所,在那个世界里她无需去担心现实世界的烦恼,就像作者Rainbow Rowell曾经说过的一句话:故事永远会在原地等你,就算有时人不会。
After all those hypes in the book world and among the booktubers, I finally got down to pick up this book and read it. Everybody and everybody's mom and everybody's dog loved this book when it firstly came out. It gave me kind of really high expectation towards it, even much higher than the Fault in Our Stars. To be honest, now that I have finished it, I have to say that I am kind of disappointed. Not that I said the book was bad or it was not intriguing or what not. I have to admit that I was really enjoying it during the reading that it actually kept me up till 3am last night just because I could not put down the book in the midway, but it was just the story, the characters, Cath, that was really bugging me: jealous and admiring to a point but also hate and feel like a pain in the ass at the same time.
Cath, a freshman starting college with her twin sister Wren, is also a kinda famous online Fanfiction writer of the popular Snow Simon series novels. By fanfiction writer, it means that Cath writes stories with the characters from the original Snow Simon books but with different schemes. In Cath's world, the major character Simon is in love with Baz, another boy character in the original book. Everything starts from the first day when Cath and Wren start their college together but also separately. They are twin, they look almost exactly the same, but their personality, their strengths, their hobbies, their attitudes, their inside worlds are totally poles apart. Cath is that kind of girl who likes to stick to her own world, likes to isolate herself completely from the outside world as much as she can, likes to pretend to be mean to everybody then she can avoid being friend with other people. Cath is really an capable writer, and it looks like, she can write, she can write really well, but also, sadly, she can only write well, not anything else. Then away from Wren, Cath gets a new roommate, Reagan, who has a boyfriend Levi when they first met. Stories get started with Cath starting her brand new college life trying to avoid anything new to start to happen...
There are actually so many things I really enjoyed about the book. I really like Cath, the major character, because she is a good writer. I like people when they can write, and even like them more if they can write really well. And I also like Levi, the major romantic boy character. In real life, a guy like Levi is probably that kind of Being-Good-to-Everybody-Equals-to-Being-Shitty-in-A-Relationship guy, but I still like him, a lot. In the book, Levi is just soooooo charming, soooooo considerate, soooooo warmhearted and sweet that I don't think any girls can actually resist falling in love with him. And I also like the ideas with Cath reading stories to Levi, with Cath writing with Nick on their co-authored novel together, side by side, in a library, with Cath sharing the whole childhood and the Snow Simon magic world with Wren, writing together, talking together... Everything is so nerdy, but so cool and so sweet to me. If you are also a bookworm and a story-lover, you will probably understand me. It is really a dream that you can actually find someone in your life can do such stuffs with you, in real life.
However, how much I like Cath, how much I adore her intelligence in writing, how much I like the way Levi and Reagan and even professor Piper treat Cath, then how much I actually hate the story. The whole thing I like about this story is just soooooo unrealistic that it gave me pain in my heart and stomach when I thought about it. If Cath lives in real life, she would be a total loser. Of course she can still write amazing stories, and maybe she would possibly still has a ton of internet fans who like her stories, maybe I would also be one of them, but she will never get anything close to Cath in the book can get, not even half way through. Cath is just so stubborn, so isolating, rejecting everything and anything up her way not even thinking at the first place that it is not possible for her to move on outside her story world. If it were not Reagan breaking the ice wall around Cath, Cath would have not been able to survive through even the first months in college: she even does not know where the dining hall is after the class has starts almost a month! That is not social-inability, that is mental-disability; and If it were not professor Piper, who is the professor of Cath's Fiction-writing class, so believing in Cath's ability and intelligence in writing fictions, and giving her another chance even with Cath failing to submit the final project, Cath would have been failed in the class of her first semester of college; and if it were not Levi, who just tried so hard, by so hard I mean REALLY HARD, to get into Cath's world, Cath would have not been, NEVER been able to have someone who can love her as much as sweet Levi does. In real life, just being smart in not enough! So many people with intelligence don't get what they deserve in real life just because they don't know how to deal with people, because they don't know how to live in a society. That is so cruel, but it is also so TRUE. THAT IS THE REAL LIFE. Yep, I admit that I just feel so jealous of Cath to get all these things when she just keeps being so asshole, so stubborn, and so selfish. In real life, nobody will actually bother a penny to save you or even try to know you if you just give up yourself at the first place. If I can, I also want to be Cath, to have my Wren, to have my sweet Levi, even to have rude Reagan in my life but still being so stubborn and so rejecting. But I cannot! Because I live in real life. In real life, there is never a magic kingdom. You are never the major characters who always win.
Well, I understand that maybe I am just being so emotional and so biased because of this. But I mean, this is my reading the story, right? So I have the right to judge it from my own hate or like. I like the story, but also hate it. Many details in the book made me smile, made me desire to write, and even made want to fall in love again. But at the same time, I also hate it, hate it being so sweet that it is actually so unreal, which makes me heartbroken every time I realize that I am actually not in the same world as Cath is.
But still, all in all, it is a good teenager-love-story fiction, right? If not, I will not be so emotionally aroused and irritated.