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《Lonely Planet 旅行指南系列:缅甸》经典读后感有感

格式:DOC 上传日期:2024-11-27 19:45:25
《Lonely Planet 旅行指南系列:缅甸》经典读后感有感
时间:2024-11-27 19:45:25   小编:

《Lonely Planet 旅行指南系列:缅甸》是一本详尽的旅行指南,为读者提供了关于缅甸的丰富信息和建议。书中介绍了缅甸的历史文化、景点、美食和旅行贴士,让人对这个神秘国家有了更深入的了解和认识。阅读后,让人对缅甸充满了向往和好奇。

Lonely Planet 旅行指南系列:缅甸读后感(一)

P4. 为什么要把Kipling译成“基普林”?约定俗成的翻译难道不是“吉卜林”吗?

P338. 上方浅蓝色框内文字第三段,严重怀疑原作者到底有没有读过拉金那本书。首先,书名写错了,应该是Finding George Orwell in Burma。初版的书名为:Secret histories: a journey through Burma today in the company of George Orwell。其次,所讲述的故事发生在毛淡棉(旧称“孟眉”),而不是曼德勒。


I asked the caretaker. He told me that a few years ago the graveyard had been removed yet again----this time to make way for a new train station, which has yet to be built. The deceased man's family had emigrated, and the caretaker wanted to save the cross for them in case they ever came back. Hanging from one arm was a forlorn plastic bag filled with a few handfuls of dirt. "Some soil from around the grave,”…

P363. 右下角描述Kipling关于ngapi评论的说法不准确。这话不是他本人说的,是他的一个同胞和他说的,信息来自Kipling的From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches: Letters of Travel。

Kipling was told by a compatriot that ngapi was 'fish pickled which ought to have been buried long ago.'

P104. 关于“毛淡棉”的部分,第七、第八行声称“奥威尔在这里居住了若干年”。实际上,奥威尔在1926年4月才被调往毛淡棉,驻扎了不到一年,于当年年底被调往上缅甸的Katha,他的小说《缅甸岁月》的背景地。

P45. 关于前勃固俱乐部的介绍中,作者提到了Kipling和他那首诗Mandalay。我能说简直是胡说八道吗?

Lonely Planet 旅行指南系列:缅甸读后感(二)

P4. 为什么要把Kipling译成“基普林”?给我一种梦回寮国的感觉。

P338. 上方浅蓝色框内文字第三段,严重怀疑原作者到底有没有读过拉金那本书。首先,书名写错了,应该是Finding George Orwell in Burma。初版的书名为:Secret histories: a journey through Burma today in the company of George Orwell。其次,所讲述的故事发生在毛淡棉(旧称“孟眉”),而不是曼德勒。


I asked the caretaker. He told me that a few years ago the graveyard had been removed yet again----this time to make way for a new train station, which has yet to be built. The deceased man's family had emigrated, and the caretaker wanted to save the cross for them in case they ever came back. Hanging from one arm was a forlorn plastic bag filled with a few handfuls of dirt. "Some soil from around the grave,”…

P363. 右下角描述Kipling关于ngapi评论的说法不准确。这话不是他本人说的,是他的一个同胞和他说的,信息来自Kipling的From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches: Letters of Travel。

Kipling was told by a compatriot that ngapi was 'fish pickled which ought to have been buried long ago.'

P104. 关于“毛淡棉”的部分,第七、第八行声称“奥威尔在这里居住了若干年”。实际上,奥威尔在1926年4月才被调往毛淡棉,驻扎了不到一年,于当年年底被调往上缅甸的Katha,他的小说《缅甸岁月》的背景地。

P45. 关于前勃固俱乐部的介绍中,作者提到了Kipling和他那首诗Mandalay。我能说简直是胡说八道吗?

Lonely Planet 旅行指南系列:缅甸读后感(三)

P4. 为什么要把Kipling译成“基普林”?给我一种梦回寮国的感觉。

P338. 上方浅蓝色框内文字第三段,严重怀疑原作者到底有没有读过拉金那本书。首先,书名写错了,应该是Finding George Orwell in Burma。初版的书名为:Secret histories: a journey through Burma today in the company of George Orwell。其次,所讲述的故事发生在毛淡棉(旧称“孟眉”),而不是曼德勒。


I asked the caretaker. He told me that a few years ago the graveyard had been removed yet again----this time to make way for a new train station, which has yet to be built. The deceased man's family had emigrated, and the caretaker wanted to save the cross for them in case they ever came back. Hanging from one arm was a forlorn plastic bag filled with a few handfuls of dirt. "Some soil from around the grave,”…

P363. 右下角描述Kipling关于ngapi评论的说法不准确。这话不是他本人说的,是他的一个同胞和他说的,信息来自Kipling的From Sea to Sea and Other Sketches: Letters of Travel。

Kipling was told by a compatriot that ngapi was 'fish pickled which ought to have been buried long ago.'

P104. 关于“毛淡棉”的部分,第七、第八行声称“奥威尔在这里居住了若干年”。实际上,奥威尔在1926年4月才被调往毛淡棉,驻扎了不到一年,于当年年底被调往上缅甸的Katha,他的小说《缅甸岁月》的背景地。

P45. 关于前勃固俱乐部的介绍中,作者提到了Kipling和他那首诗Mandalay。我能说简直是胡说八道吗?

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