《playing to the gallery》是一篇关于艺术家如何在当代社会中获得成功的文章。作者认为,艺术家应该坚持自己的创意和价值观,而不是随波逐流地取悦观众。只有真正坚持自己的艺术追求,才能在艺术领域中取得长久的成功。艺术家不应该为了迎合大众而放弃自己的原则。
playing to the gallery读后感第一篇
这本书是Grayson Perry作为一个英国艺术家对于艺术圈、艺术生态的非常真实且真诚的看法的集合。他将艺术圈分成几个方面去说,这几个方面的关系又是互相交织的。而且作为一个艺术家,很有趣的是他会根据文字内容配上自己创作的插图。这些插图很风格化、颜色很好看,内容风趣的同时充满英式冷幽默。可能我自己看的原文书比较少,平时比较常翻看英文论文或者艺术史学术类型著作,所以第一次看Grayson Perry的书对于他独居特色的用词风格印象深刻,更直白准确地说,读这本书就像在看他主持的个人脱口秀,同时又像一个平易近人的业界前辈在身边跟你聊他的经验心得。
在提到评判艺术好坏的标准时,他是这么说的:“It’s often thought important-in any line of work- to have definite, strong opinions and be a certainty freak. But many of the methods of judging are very problematic and many of the criteria that are used to assess art are conflicting. I mean, we have financial value, popularity, art historical significance and aesthetic sophistication. And all these things could be at odds with each other.”就是说艺术生态里,本来就有好多种不同的评判逻辑,比如从艺术市场(商业)的角度,艺术史和美学(学术)的角度,受欢迎程度(观众接受)的角度,但是这些角度之间往往是冲突的。理论上说,一件作品很难在这几个角度的评判下同时获得高分。所以他认为”judging quality is a very tricky area,a complex business”.他举了2012年在伦敦皇家美院举办的大卫霍克尼展览来作为案例,那个展览在观众数量和受欢迎程度上非常成功,而且是付费展览,也就是为主办方赚了不少钱,可是很多专业艺术机构的管理者和画廊主都跟Perry吐槽说这是他/她们看过的最烂的展览之一。
他还说了一个很有趣的例子,前苏联艺术家Komar和Melamid去不同国家做了个民意调查,内容关于民众最喜爱看什么样的绘画作品,得出的结果非常震惊,结果表示,基本每个国家的人都喜欢画面中有几个人,几只动物在前景,主色调为蓝色的风景画。也就是说根据绝大多数人的喜好而去创作根本不可能有好的作品,也不可能有艺术创作的自由,所以他的章节名称是“民主的坏品味(Democracy Has Bad Taste)”。
playing to the gallery读后感第二篇
刚读完Paying to the Gallery 哗众取宠,这是一个艺术家(Sir Grayson Perry)给大家口语化讲述艺术相关问题的书,作者用诙谐的语气,充满嘲讽性的,开着黄色玩笑的,嘲弄了这个又爱又恨的艺术界(我以为龙卷风嗯会把我带到艺术的奥兹国,最后发现到了堪萨斯),但是也说了自己的期待,读者可以从中揭开艺术世界的一丝神秘真相,比如P6,策展人到底在想什么[笑哭R],都是讨生活的人啊。
嘲讽归嘲讽,艺术玩的就是嘲讽,就是反抗,so everything is fine~。每个艺术家都要要打破权威,弄点新运动新流派,结果到了万物皆可的当代艺术,一时不知道改反些什么,而且无论反什么,都会成为资本的工具[笑哭R],真可怜。
playing to the gallery读后感第三篇
今天不到一天时间看完了这本薄薄的小书,想着看完之后就更有底气去Tate Modern 了。。
p14-15 Democracy has bad taste:
Beauty is very much about familiarity, reinforcing an idea we have already.
You can no more choose whether to like a work of art or not than you can choose for sugar to taste sweet or lemons sour... What we enjoy reflects on who we are.
p72-73: Beating the bounds
... it's important to make art because perhaps the people that get the most out of art are the ones that make it.
... just as reputation chages over time, so too does the definition of what art is. And the boundaried of contemporary art are not formed by what art can be, but where, who or why.
p119: I found myself in the art world
An art college is a place to experiment, a place of unique freedom. Often that freedom is the freedom to get it wrong... Martin Gayford wrote: "Mistakes are as big a part of art as scholarship or truth".
This is probably the most difficult moment for a young artist, leaving art college after all those years of education. Suddenly it's just you and the world ---- unprotected, undirected, and nowadays very much in debt.
As an ex-student-to-be, as a youth who's leaving college in 20 days and entering workforce very soon, I feel insecure as well. In both graduation projects I did, failure accounted for the major part. I thought to myself a while ago: of course I can describe my failure freely in my thesis, how can I do that in my performance review? Sure, experiments are largely trial and error. But promotions and salary raise require success, or at least outcomes and benefits. No doubt there's less freedom to make mistakes. You certainly never want to screw it...
I assume even there is a buddy or a supervisor to help you when you're really in need, you'll still often find yourself "unprotected, undirected". Afterall, doing a good job is a lot more difficult than passing an exam. You may work hard, be good at reviewing and predicting what the examiners will put in exam papers, and then poof you got distinction even without enough sleep. Mostly it's under your control (except your upstair neighbours and flatmates and gross mice) because you only need to work on your own.
Yet, you hardly get to work alone in a company. Now I just hope I don't need to get involved with over-cooperation.
跑题了,希望12号可以去Tate Mordern.