《The Order of Time》是作者Carlo Rovelli对时间本质的深刻探究。他以生动有趣的方式,解释了时间和空间的本质以及它们的关系。他清晰地阐述了时间的相对性、时间的流动和时间的不可逆性等概念,引人入胜、令人叹为观止。
《The Order of Time》读后感(一)
《The Order of Time》读后感(二)
《The Order of Time》读后感(三)
简评:很新的一本关于时间的科普,在图书车无意中翻到,借出来才发现纽约时报 2018 年十佳 nonfiction 之一。感觉比《第一推动丛书》那一系列比较老的书讲得更简洁明了,并且包括了一些物理学的最新的进展,在某种程度上有点点解决了一直以来的一些疑惑:为什么熵是增加的,以及为什么宇宙一开始是低熵的状态。
...heat cannot pass from a cold body to a hot one. The crucial point here is the difference from what happens with falling bodies: a ball may fall, but it can also come back up, by rebounding, for instance. Heat cannot.
This is the /only/ basic law of physics that distinguishes the past from the future.
... every configuration is particular, every configuration is singular, if we look at all its details, since every configuration always has something about it that characterizes it in a unique way.
... The notion of “particularity” is born only at the moment we begin to see the universe in a blurred and approximate way. Boltzmann has shown that entropy exists because we describe the world in a blurred fashion. He has demonstrated that entropy is precisely the quantity that counts how many are the different configurations that our blurred vision does not distinguish between.
Our “present” does not extend throughout the universe. It is like a bubble around us. How far does this bubble extend? It depends on the precision with which we determine time... as humans, we distinguish tenths of a second only with great difficulty; we can easily consider our entire planet to be like a single bubble where we can speak of the present as if it were an instant shared by us all. This is as far as we can go.
Both the sources of blurring — quantum indeterminacy, and the fact that physical systems are composed of zillions of molecules — are at the heart of time. Temporality is profoundly linked to blurring. The blurring is due to the fact that we are ignorant of the microscopic details of the world. The time of physics is, ultimately, the expression of our ignorance of the world. Time is ignorance.
We have shaped an idea of “human being” by interacting with others like ourselves. ... I believe that our notion of self stems from this, not from introspection. When we think of ourselves as persons, I believe we are applying to ourselves the mental circuits that we have developed to engage with our companions.