编者按:有一种纯粹的美来自于语言本身,语言本身的韵律,语言本身的律动感,以及语言讲述的故事。你可能看过无数译版的外国经典文学作品,但你再一次去拜读英文原著本身,又是完全不同的美的享受。 这篇文章精选了许多英语美文中的经典语录,这些语录涵盖了人生、爱情、友情、家庭等方面,给人以启示和思考。其中包括了莎士比亚、爱默生、王尔德等众多文学大师的名言,这些语录让我们更深刻地认识了人生的意义和价值。
1、My boy died yesterday. For three days and nights I have been wrestling with death for this frail little life.
我的儿子昨天死了,为了这条幼小娇弱的生命,我和死神搏斗了三天三夜。 ----茨威格
2、To see you once more, to meet you just once, was all i wanted; simply from a distance to detour your face with my eyes.
我心里唯一的愿望就是,只想看你一眼,只想和你见一次面,只想远远地用我的目光搂抱你的脸! ----茨威格
3、I shall never forget the gentle tact you displayed. There was no undue eagerness, no hasty offer of a caress. Yet fro the first moment you displayed so much friendly confidence that you would have won me even if my whole being had not long ere this been yours. ----茨威格
4、But i had no confidant; i had been neither taught nor warned; i was inexperienced and unsuspecting. I rushed to meet my fate.
可我身边没有别人,我没法向别人诉说我的心事,没有人指点我、提醒我,我毫无阅历,毫无思想准备:我一头栽进我的命运,就像跌进一个深渊。 ----茨威格
5、If I have to go on living, I shall tear up this letter and shall keep the silence I have always kept.
要是我还得再活下去,我就把这封信撕掉,我将继续保持沉默,就像我过去一直沉默一样。 ----茨威格
6、I wanted to tell you of it, so that you who do not know me might at length begin to understand how my life hung upon yours.
我要把这个时刻告诉你,是为了让你——你这个从来也没有认识过我的人啊——终于开始感到,有一个生命依恋着你,并且为你而憔悴。 ----茨威格
7、I wanted to meet you; i wanted you to recognise me after all these weary years, to notice me, to love me.
我一心只想遇见你,我在找你,经过这些好不容易熬过来的岁月,我希望你认出我是谁,希望你注意我,希望为你所爱。 ----茨威格
8、It was a caressing and alluring glance, at once enfolding and disclothing, the glance of the born seducer. Involuntarily, you looked in this way at very showgirl who served you, at every maidservant who opened the door to you.
这是一个天生的诱惑者的眼光,你向每一个从你身边走过的女人都投以这样的目光,向每一个卖东西给你的女店员,向每一个给你开门的使女都投以这样的目光。 ----茨威格
9、Forgive me, beloved, for saying that you cannot possibly understand all that it meant to me t go up those stairs with you- how i was mad, tortured, almost suffocated with happiness.
原谅我,亲爱的,要是我对你说,你不能明白,这条走廊,这道楼梯对我意味着什么,我感到什么样的陶醉、什么样的迷惘、什么样的疯狂的、痛苦的、几乎是致命的幸福。 ----茨威格
10、To you only do I want to speak, that I may tell you everything for the first time. I should like you to know the whole of my life, of that life which has always been yours, and of which you have known nothing.
我要单独和你谈谈,第一次把一切都告诉你;我要让你知道我整个的一生,我的一生一直是属于你的,而你对我的一生却一无所知。 ----茨威格
11、Perhaps, perhaps, when you receive this legacy you will call to me; and for the first time i shall be unfaithful to you, for i shall not hear you in the sleep of death. Neither picture nor token do i leave you, just as you left me nothing, for never will you recognise me now. ----茨威格
12、Embarrassed but zealous, he got out of my way, and opened the front door for me. Then, in this fugitive instant, as i looked at him through my tears, a light suddenly flooded the old man’s face. In this fugitive instant, i tell you, he recognised me, the man who had never seen me since my childhood. ----茨威格
13、Suddenly, i heard your step behind me. Without turning round, i knew that i was about to hear your beloved voice directly addressing me. I was almost paralysed by the expectation, and my heart beat so violently that i thought i should have to stand still. You were at my side. ----茨威格
14、The memory of it darted through me like an electric shock-that caressing and alluring glance, at once enfolding and disclothing, with which, years before, you had awakened the girl to become the woman and the lover.
——勾起往事,我大吃一惊!——又成了那种充满柔情蜜意的目光,既脉脉含情,又荡人心魄,又成了那种把对方紧紧拥抱起来的勾魂摄魄的目光,这种目光从前第一次把我唤醒,使我一下子从孩子变成了女人,变成了恋人。 ----茨威格
15、I would rather take the whole burden on myself than be a burden to you; i wanted to be the one among all the women you had intimately known of whom you would never think except with love and thankfulness.
我希望你想起我来,总是怀着爱情,怀着感激:在这点上,我愿意在你结交的所有女人当中,成为独一无二的一个。 ----茨威格
16、No, i will not describe the anguish of my expectation and despair. I make no complaint. I love you just as you are, ardent and forgetful, generous and unfaithful. I love you just as you have always been.
我不责怪你,我爱你就是爱你这个样子——感情热烈而生性健忘,一往情深却爱不专一。我就爱你是这么个人,只爱你是这么个人,你过去一直是这样,现在依然还是这样。 ----茨威格
17、But there i would watch through the long afternoons, during those months and years, book in hand, tense as a violin string, and vibrating at the touch of you nearness.
我的心紧得像根琴弦,你一出现,它就颤个不停。 ----茨威格
18、I read book upon book, far into the night, for I knew that you were a book-lover.
我如饥似渴地念了好些书,常常念到深夜,因为我知道,你喜欢书。 ----茨威格
19、Perhaps only now and again, for an hour or for a fleeting minute, should i have seemed a burden to you, should i have been hated by you. But it was my pride that i should never be a trouble or a care to you all my life long. ----茨威格
20、I have never forgotten this uneasy and timid way of giving help, this shunning of a word of thanks.
你帮助人家的时候表现出来的惶惶不安、羞怯腼腆、怕人感谢的样子,我永远也忘不了。 ----茨威格
21、I understand now(you had taught me!)that a girl’s or a woman’s face must be for a man something extraordinary mutable. It is usually nothing more than the reflexion of moods which pass as readily as an image vanishes from a mirror.
对于一个男人来说,一个少女、一个女人的脸想必是变化多端的东西,因为它在大多数情况下只是一面镜子,时而是炽热激情之镜,时而是天真烂漫之镜,时而又是疲劳困倦之镜,正如镜中的人影一样转瞬即逝 ----茨威格
22、All I wanted was to see you once more, to cling to you. Throughout that dreadful night I waited for you.
我一心只想看见你,再见你一面,紧紧地依偎在你的身上,于是整整一夜,这可怕的漫长的一夜,亲爱的,我一直在等你。 ----茨威格
23、An intimation of death came to him, and an intimation of deathless love. Something welled up within him; and the though of the dead woman stirred in his mind, bodiless and passionate, like the sound of distant music.
他感觉到死亡,感觉到不朽的爱情:百感千愁一时涌上他的心头,他隐约想起了那个看不见的女人,她漂浮不定,然而热烈奔放,犹如远方传来的一阵乐声。 ----茨威格
24、I shook like one in the cold stage of a fever. I could no longer answer when spoken to, could no longer control the tumult of my blood.
我浑身哆嗦,好像发冷,又好像发烧,我没法回答别人提出的问题,也没法控制我周身沸腾奔流的热血。 ----茨威格
25、Throughout that warm and cloudy evening i stood in front of your windows, until the night was extinguished.
这个漫长的夜晚,天气温和,夜雾弥漫,我一直站在你的窗下,直到灯光熄灭。 ----茨威格
26、I was ever near you, and ever tense; but you were no more aware of it than you were aware of the tension of the mainspring of the watch in your pocket, faithfully recording the hours for you, accompanying your footsteps with its unheard ticking, and vouchsafed only a hasty glance for one second among millions. ----茨威格
27、He was our baby, dear; the child of my fully conscious love and of your careless, spendthrift, almost unwitting tenderness. Our child, our son, our only child.
他是我俩的孩子,亲爱的,是我那心甘情愿的爱情和你那无忧无虑的、任意挥霍的、几乎是无意识的缱绻柔情的结晶,他是我俩的孩子,我们的儿子,我们唯一的孩子。 ----茨威格
28、But what can you be to me-you who have never, never recognised me; you who stepped across me as you might step across a stream, you who trod on me as you might tread on a stone; you who went on your way unheeding , while you left me to wait for all eternity? ----茨威格
29、There was the door behind which a thousand times i had awaited your coming; the stairs on which i had heard your footstep, and where i had first seen you; the judas through which i had watched your comings and goings; the door-mat on which i had once knelt; the sound of a key in the lock, which hadalways been a signal to me ----茨威格
30、My childhood and its passions were nested within these few yards of space. Here was my whole life, and it surged around me like a great storm, for all was being fulfilled, and i was going with you, i with you, into your, into your house. ----茨威格
31、I can hardly say what i was thinking of, and whether in this hour of despair i was able to think at all. My mother was out of the house. I stood up, just as i was, in my school dress, and went over to your door.
我一辈子也说不清楚,我当时是怎样想的,在这绝望的时刻,我是否真正能够头脑清醒地进行思考,可是突然——我妈不在家——我站起身来,身上穿着校服,走到对面去找你。 ----茨威格
32、“Good things are not forgotten, and i shall not forget you.”
美好的东西是忘不了的,我是不会忘记你的。 ----茨威格
33、Yes, he had vague memories of a neighbour’s child, of a girl,of a woman in a dancing hall-all was dim and confused, like the flickering and shapeless view of a stone in the bed of a swiftly running stream. Shadows chased one another across his mind, but would not fuse into a picture. ----茨威格
34、You looked at me with a cordial, gracious, all-embracing glance, which was almost a caress. You smiled at me tenderly-yes, tenderly, is the word-and said gently, nay, confidentially: “Thanks so much.”
你看了我一眼,那眼光温暖、柔和、深情,似乎是对我的爱抚,你含情脉脉地冲我一笑,用一种非常轻柔的、简直可说是亲昵的声音对我说:“多谢,小姐。” ----茨威格
35、I am going to tell you my whole life, the life which did not really begin until the day I first saw you. What I can recall before that day is gloomy and confused, a memory as of a cellar filled with dusty, dull, and cobwebbed things and people-a place with which my heart has no concern. ----茨威格
36、Involuntarily your eyes encountered my figure, and immediately, though you had hardly noticed the attractiveness in my gaze, there came into your face that expression with which you were wont to look at women.
你那漫不经心的目光不由自主地向我身上一扫而过,它刚和我专注的目光一接触,立刻又变成了那种专门对付女人的目光 ----茨威格
37、For a moment or two your eyes thus rested on me, for a space during which i could not turn my own eyes away, and then you has passed.
你的目光和我的目光就这样接触了一秒钟、两秒钟,我的目光没法和你的目光分开,也不愿意和它分开——接着你就从我身边过去了。 ----茨威格
38、Your glance that evening, showing me as it did that on your side there was not even a gossamer thread connecting your life with mine, meant for me a first plunge into reality, conveyed to me the first intimation of my destiny.
你的目光告诉我,你一点也不认识我,你一点也想不起你的生活和我的生活有细如蛛丝的联系:你的这种目光使我如梦初醒,使我第一次跌到现实之中,第一次预感到我的命运。 ----茨威格
39、Mourning was my joy; I renounced society and every pleasure, and was intoxicated with delight at the mortifications. I thus superadded to the lack of seeing you.
我成天悲愁,一心只想悲愁;我看不见你,也就什么也不想要,只想从中得到某种陶醉。 ----茨威格
40、When it came, you were sitting with some friends at the next table, regarding me with an admiring and covetous glance, that glance which had always thrilled me beyond expression.
你和几个朋友坐在邻桌,你用赞赏的渴慕的目光看着我,就用你那一向撩拨得我心荡神驰的目光看着我。 ----茨威格
41、Even now i can hardly think of it without tears, but i have no tears left. Everything in that house had been steeped in my passion; everything was a symbol of my childhood and its longing.
我感觉到,那里的每一件东西都渗透了我的激情,都是我童年时代的相思的象征。 ----茨威格
42、You were wearing a beautiful suit of light-brown tweeds, and you ran upstairs two steps at a time with the boyish ease that always characterizes your movements. You were hat in hand, so that, with indescribable amazement, I could see your youthful hair. Your handsome, slim, and spruce figure was a positive shock to me. ----茨威格
43、We were often wakened in the night by the clatter of falling chairs and breaking plates. Once, when he had beaten her till the blood came, she ran out on the landing with her hair streaming, followed by her drunken husband abusing her, until all the people came out onto the staircase and threated to send for the police. ----茨威格
44、I have nothing, nothing from you. No child, no word, no line of writing, no place in your memory. If anyone were to mention my name in your presence, to you it would be the name of a stranger.
我一无所有,你身上的东西我一无所有——再也没有孩子了,没有一句话,没有一行字,没有一丝回忆,要是有人在你面前提到我的名字,你也会像陌生人似的充耳不闻。 ----茨威格
45、I did not wish to be happy, i did not wish to live content away from you; so i buried myself in a gloomy world of self-torment and solitude.
离开了你,我不愿意高高兴兴、心满意足地生活,我沉湎于我那阴郁的小天地里,自己折磨自己,孤独寂寥地生活。 ----茨威格
46、Nothing existed for me except in so far as it related to you. Nothing had meaning for me unless it bore upon you in same way.
世上万物因为和你有关才存在,我生活中的一切只有和你连在一起才有意义。 ----茨威格
47、A bespectacled , good-natured old fellow was what I had expected to see; and you came, looking as just as you still look, for you are one on whom the years little marks.
我梦见的是一位戴眼镜的和蔼可亲的老年人,可逆一出现——原来你的模样跟你今天的样子完全相似,原来你这个人始终没有变化,尽管岁月在你身上缓缓地流逝! ----茨威格
48、My heart leapt when i saw a light in your window. The town, which had seemed so alien, so dreary, grew suddenly alive for me. I myself lived once more, now that i was near you, you who were my unending dream.
你的窗户还亮着灯光,我整个心怦怦直跳。到这时候,这座城市,这座对我说来如此陌生,如此毫无意义地在我身边喧嚣轰响的城市,才获得了生气,到这时候,我才重新复活,因为我感觉到了的存在,你,我永恒的梦。 ----茨威格
49、But your smile, though cordial, had no recogniton in it.
可是你的眼睛微笑着,亲切然而一无所知。 ----茨威格
50、Never had i cherished an angry though of you. Not even in the utmost agony of giving birth did i feel any resentment against you; never did i repent the nights when i enjoyed your love; never did i cease to love you, or to bless the hour when you came into my life. ----茨威格
51、I said very little, for i was so intensely happy to have you near me and to hear you speak to me.
我话说得很少,因为在你身边,听你说话已经使我幸福到了极点。 ----茨威格
52、Your expression was one of friendly surprise, and a smile fluttered about your lips. You passed me as before, and as before you promptly slacked your pace. I trembled, i exulted, i longed for you to speak to me. I felt that for the first time i had become alive for you; too, walked slowly, and did not attempt to evade you. ----茨威格
53、There is nothing more terrible than to be alone among human beings.
没有什么比置身于人群却又孤独一人更可怕的了。 ----茨威格
54、He glanced at me in alarm- for in this instant i think he understood more of me than you had understood in your whole life. Everyone, everyone, has been eager to spoil me; everyone has loaded me with kindness. But you, only you, forget me. You, only you, never recognised me. ----茨威格
55、I cannot bear t look, I cannot bear to move; for when the candles flicker, shadows chase one another over his face and his closed lips. It looks as if his features stirred, and I could almost fancy that he is not dead after all, that he will wake up, and with his clear voice will say something childishly loving. ----茨威格
56、You have never seen him smile when he first opened his eyes after sleep, his dark eyes that were your eyes, the eyes with which he looked merrily forth at me and the world.
你从来没有见过这个可怜的男孩,没有看过他微笑,没有见他轻轻地抬起眼睑,然后用他那聪明的黑眼睛——你的眼睛!——向我、向全世界投来一道明亮而欢快的光芒。 ----茨威格
57、For the possibility of this one hour i rejected everything else, simply that i might be free to answer your call.
为了这可能有的一小时相会,我拒绝了所有人的求婚,好一听到你的呼唤,就能应召而去。自我从童年觉醒过来以后,我整个的一生无非就是等待,等待着你的意志! ----茨威格
58、I shall not summon you in my last hour; i shall go my way leaving you ignorant of my name and my appearance. Death will be easy to me, for you will not feel it from afar. I could not die if my death were going to give you pain.
我不想叫你在最后时刻来看我,我走了,你不知道我的姓名,也不知道我的相貌。我死得很轻松,因为你在远处并不感到我死。要是我的死会使你痛苦,那我就咽不下最后一口气。 ----茨威格
59、I did not want to bind myself. I wanted to remained free-for you.
我不愿意拴住自己的手脚,我要随时为你保持自由。 ----茨威格
60、I need hardly tell you that henceforward, in my restricted world, you were the only thing that interested me; that my life revolved round yours with the fidelity proper to a girl of thirteen.
还要我对你说吗,从这天起,在我们这所房子里,在我整个可怜的儿童世界里,除了你再也没有什么别的东西使我感兴趣;我本着一个十三岁的女孩的全部傻劲儿,全部追根究底的执拗劲头,只对你的生活、只对你的存在感兴趣! ----茨威格
61、That was my fate in life, and it shall be my fate in death likewise.
我活着命运如此,我死后命运也将依然如此。 ----茨威格
62、But it comforted me to see my flowers there, to know that you had cherished something that was an emanation from me, was the breath of my love for you.
可是,我还是很高兴,你供着这些鲜花:毕竟还有我的一点气息、我的爱情的一缕呼吸包围着你。 ----茨威格
63、When nothing but the thin, shining pane of glass was between you and my uplifted eyes, i could ignore the fact that in reality i was as far from your mind as if i had been separated by mountains and valleys and rivers.
我没有想到,我对你的心灵来说,无论是相隔无数的山川峡谷,还是在你和我那抬头仰望的目光之间只相隔你窗户的一层玻璃,其实都是同样的遥远。 ----茨威格
64、They have heard and read much of love, and they know that it comes to all. They play it like a toy; they flaunt it as a boy flaunts his first cigarette.
他们玩弄爱情,就像摆弄一个玩具,他们夸耀自己恋爱的经历,就像男孩抽了第一支香烟而洋洋得意。 ----茨威格
65、But I know that he is dead; and I will look again, to hope once more, and once more to be disappointed. I know, I know, my boy died yesterday. Now I have only you left in the world; only you, who do not know me; you, who are enjoying yourself all unheeding, sporting with men and things. ----茨威格
66、When i tell you that i gave myself to you as a maiden, do not misunderstand me. I am not making any charge against you. You did not entice me, deceive me, seduce me. I threw myself into your arms; went out to meet my fate.
我现在对你说,我委身于你时,我是个处女,我求你,千万别误解我!我不是责怪你!你并没有勾引我,欺骗我,引诱我——是我自己挤到你的跟前,扑到你的怀里,一头栽进我的命运之中。 ----茨威格
67、That was all you said. But from this moment, from the time when you looked at me so gently, so tenderly, I was yours.
全部经过就是这样,亲爱的;可是从我接触到你那充满柔情蜜意的眼光之日起,我就完全属于你了。 ----茨威格
68、Yet i can hardly say that i went. With stiff limbs and trembling joints, i seemed to be drawn towards your door as by a magnet.
不,我不是走过去的:一种内在的力量像磁铁,把我僵手僵脚地、四肢哆嗦地吸到你的门前。 ----茨威格
69、You need have no fear of my words. A dead woman wants nothing; neither love, nor compassion, nor consolation. I have only one thing to ask of you, that you believe to the full what the pain in me forces me to disclose to you.
看到我这些话你不要害怕;一个死者别无企求,她既不要求别人的爱,也不要求同情和慰藉。我对你只有一个要求,那就是请你相信我那向你吐露隐衷的痛苦的心所告诉你的一切。 ----茨威格
70、His eyes wandered to the blue vase on the writing-table. It was empty. For years it had not been empty on his birthday. He shuddered, feeling as if an invisible door had been suddenly opened, a door through which a chill breeze from another world was blowing into his sheltered room. ----茨威格
71、I had had a vision of every possible form of disfavour, coldness, or indifference. But never, in the extremity of depression, in the utmost reaisation of my own unimportance, had i conceived this most abhorrent of possibilities-that you had never become aware of my existence. ----茨威格
72、But i cannot describe it all to you, how what i had felt ten years earlier was now renewed as we went up the well-known stairs together; how i lived simultaneously in the past and in the present, my whole being fused as it were with yours.
我没法向你描述,在那几秒钟里我是如何对于一切都有双重的感觉,既感到逝去的岁月,也感到眼前的时光,而在一切和一切之中,我只感觉到你。 ----茨威格
73、I knew that my outrageous folly would alienate him from me forever, and that i was playing havoc with my life. But what was his friendships, what was my own life to me when compared with the chance of again feeling your lips on mine, of again listening to the tones of your voice. ----茨威格