1、The choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.
我们所做的选择最终都成为我们的责任。 ----Eleanor Roosevelt
2、The meaning of life is that it stops.
生命之所以有意义是因为它会停止。 ----卡夫卡
3、When the world says “Give up”, hope whispers, “Try it one more time.” 当全世界都要我放弃时,期待有人轻语一声,“再试一次”。
4、It just happens. And we should live with it.
5、I do not know where to go,but I have been on the road.
我不知道将去何方,但我已在路上。 ----宫崎骏
We're all here to play the game and people that are enjoy it are the people that are gonna win it.
7、lonely kid hides in heart(每一个人心里都藏有一个死小孩) ----江南
Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten.Alter what is changeable, and accept what is mutable. ----杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格
9、Always respect your motherland ... because the amount of respect you give to your motherland ... you'll get that much respect from your motherland.
10、Failure does not imply you have wasted time and life. It shows you have reasons to start again.
11、A man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much. -Homer既然无所事事亦难逃一死,何不奋斗终生。 ----荷马
Among thousands of people, you meet those you've met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too late. ----张爱玲
Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school. ----爱因斯坦
14、Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare.
15、And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.
那些听不见音乐的人认为那些跳舞的人疯了。 ----尼采
16、What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it.
生命中真正重要的不是你遭遇了什么,而是你记住了哪些事,又是如何铭记的。 ----马尔克斯
17、Time goes on and on, never to an end but crossings.
时间一直走,没有尽头,只有路口。 ----克莱尔·麦克福
18、I guess it comes down to a simple choice:get busy living or get busy dying.
19、I like you,but I just like you.
Had I not seen the sun,I could have borne the shade. ----艾米莉·狄金森
21、You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.
That which does not kill us makes us stronger. ----尼采
23、To be or not to be,that's a question.
生存还是毁灭,这是个问题 ----莎士比亚
24、Freedom is not letting you do whatever you wanna but teaching you not to do the things you don't wanna do.
自由不是让你想做什么就做什么,自由是教你不想做什么,就可以不做什么。 ----伊曼努尔·康德
25、The majority is always wrong;
The minority is rarely right.
多数人总是错误的,而少数人也不常正确。 ----亨利克·易卜生