《A Man Called Ove》是一部关于一个性格古怪但内心善良的老人奥韦的故事。在他失去妻子后,奥韦变得孤僻且固执,但通过他与邻居们的互动,渐渐展现出他的真实内心。小说揭示了友情、爱情和人性的温暖与力量,让人感动和思考。
A Man Called Ove读后感第一篇
刚开始看的时候,觉得这本书很有趣,真是个有趣的老头,可是接着看就发现,老头的情绪不对啊,他虽然一直怼人,但是他也很悲伤,特别是独处的时候,原来这并不算一个轻松的小说,随着情节的展开,能知道老头古怪的性格形成的原因,但是同时这个老头简直有太多优点了,负责任,不背后说人,行动力超强。小说描述了他对妻子的思念,和邻居的互动,他的女邻居也很可爱,非常有战斗力,一直在想方设法的想要帮助Ove,最后成功的打开了这个固执老头的心扉,当然最后的thanks for the loan也解释了她为什么这么执着。
A Man Called Ove读后感第二篇
A Man Called Ove读后感第三篇
A Man Called Ove读后感第四篇
只因跟同事一起出差,在候机室看书消磨时光的空档大胆了一次 - 直白的表达了自己对读过的几本英文书的看法,后来很荣幸的被邀请加入了美国同事发起的Book Club. 深感荣幸是有原因的,自己目前读完的英文原版小说的数量板着手指是可以数出来的,能力所及、所读的小说都是在两百页左右的; 而同事是长期的书虫,被邀请加入这样的母语读书俱乐部除了感到荣幸,更多的是忐忑啊。
A Man Called Ove读后感第五篇
脑海中能脑补出两幅特别生动的画面。第一幅,就是两手插兜不苟言笑的Ove,脚边还有那只伤痕累累穿着小袜子表情同样酷酷的喵,步伐惊人一致的一人一喵走在街上例行巡查任务。第二幅,就是站在Sonja墓前的Ove,然后身边逐渐增多的喵和众人:一脸淡然舔毛的喵子,摸着像皮球一样大肚子的P和她的老公P,一大一小两个可爱的小女孩,胖胖的Jimmy和烟熏妆M,坐轮椅上的R和扶着轮椅的A....确实是再简单不过的一个故事,场景也几乎只发生在这个社区。然后在我脑海中呈现出的形象确实如此鲜活。就像3-year-old girl所画,其他人都是黑白线条,只有Ove一个人例外,得用彩色来描绘,因为他是个有趣的老头。
A Man Called Ove读后感第六篇
没想到Ove跟妻子的故事,虽然Ove表露爱不多,但是他在墓前说"I miss you"的时候却很感动。
And life was never again the same. People said Ove saw the world in black and white. But she was color. All the color he had. Ove stayed there with her hand in his for several hours. Until the hospital staff entered the room with warm voices and careful movements, explaining that they had to take her body away. Ove rose from his chair, nodded, and went to the undertakers to take care of the paperwork. On Sunday she was buried. On Monday he went to work. But if anyone had asked, he would have told them that he never lived before he met her. And not after either. It is difficult to admit that one is wrong. Particularly when one has been wrong for a very long time. And time is a curious thing. Most of us only live for the time that lies right ahead of us. And it wasn’t as if Ove also died when Sonja left him. He just stopped living.
A Man Called Ove读后感第七篇
A Man Called Ove读后感第八篇
a man called ove/一个叫欧维的男人决定,我们图书会的三月选书,我给三星,这本书在goodreads上好评如潮(60多万的评价,4.3星的高分),但对我来说倒是没有那么惊艳。不过因为我很喜欢昨天我们图书会的讨论,所以我还是决定在这里记录一下。
这个故事我不喜欢的点在于作者的写法是比较夸张的, 有一种卡通的效果,我觉得作为一个通篇比较写实的故事用这样的手法去表达,我不太习惯,让我难以相信;而且里面的人物总让我觉得有点非黑即白的感觉,缺少一些立体的多面性。再一个就是,作者描写欧维是一个“生活中只有黑色白色的人”,作为咨询师自从他写到这我就开始想,难怪欧维的生活不开心很烦躁呀,他缺少的是很多咨询师希望着重帮助来访者培养的一种能力:psychological flexibility (可以翻译为心理的灵活性?),它是一种我们可以从不同的角度去解读事情,并且随时察觉自己的思维和情绪,不断地调整自己的行为从而于自己的目标更近的能力。我想因为欧维童年过早失去双亲的苦难和被人欺骗背叛的一系列创伤,大概让他没有机会去发展这种能力。
但是这本书打动我的是哪点呢?就是书中的伊朗女生没有被欧维吓跑,而似乎可以看透欧维看似冷酷且暴躁的外表之下那份属于他独特的善良和温情。欧维,因为她一次次的试探和邀请,终于逐渐打开了自己的内心,找到了自己除了算法和妻子之外的意义。昨天读书会的讨论,我们讲到:你的生命中有没有那么一个或者一群人影响了你的生命呢?我脑海中一下子蹦出两组人,第一组是大学适合认识的church community;第二组是”我的巴西朋友们“。第一组人让我更加爱护且接受自己;而第二组人让我变得更加自由,轻盈,快乐,从那一支支深夜的旋转拉丁舞曲,从那柔软的沙滩上完全投入的足球练习和尽情挥洒的爽朗热情的笑声,从那烤肉和啤酒还有亲昵的拥抱和脸颊吻,我找到了自己生命中那么欢快且自由的一面,那为生命的热烈所呐喊的一面,那我以前都不知道存在的一面。
A Man Called Ove读后感第九篇
“You’re dancing on the inside, Ove, when no one’s watching. And I’ll always love you for that.”
At first I picture Ove as some grumpy, insipid old bore, but I was totally wrong. On reading the book, he became more vivid and empathetic. The story is tenderly fabricated and I love how the author twists memory into reality. It certainly enriches the character and more importantly, adds an impressive touch to the narrative.
Ove was a man of principle. He believed in rules and order, which gave an appearance of dull and dry. Funnily enough, he judged people by what car they drove. I have to admit he had his point. The story unfolds as how Ove’s suicidal plans were stalled due to circumstances beyond his control, either the feisty pregnant woman next door asked for help or some injured cat lingered on his doorstep, or men in white suits intended to take his friend into care home. Grumbling and dissatisfied, Ove always rallied around. He’s the kind of men you know you can count on no matter what happens.
Ove has made up his mind ever since Sonja died of cancer. His inner world shattered the moment she left, like it didn’t function properly any more. But as he interacted with his neighbors, I hoped he would waive his death wish, especially when he developed a bond with children of the next-door family. However, he stuck to his idea. Every time he was interrupted, I couldn’t help but think maybe it was a hint that he ought to live well. I was completely caught off guard when knowing the ending.
Ove thought Sonja was the only one that understood him, but turned out he was too assertive about that. The warmth was contagious. His neighbors could sense it behind its clumsy cover. And I could sense it. Ove seemed so unusual. Maybe it’s just that we are too flexible to be true to ourselves.
A Man Called Ove读后感第十篇
Fredrik 的故事真是很好玩。开头总是看起来那么普通和有些小压抑,在他妙笔生花下,开始慢慢理解一个人,看的越来越津津有味。
Ove被同事诬陷离开了他恪尽职守的父亲的岗位,但在新的岗位夜班下班时,他遇到了自己未来的妻子。他看到他之后,眼睛闪烁着对生活的热爱。他用一生对妻子挚爱与守护 -
慢慢的,读者开始了解 Ove 做人做事的原则,他所珍爱的东西,他所关心的人物事。我开始理解,他不是看上去的那么古怪,只是你不了解他做事情的原则。你看他古怪,他其实看你更古怪 - 不知道如何修自行车修暖气,买很贵确不实用的车,不遵守规则 ...而这个社会是变化速度太快,改变的让Ove显得格格不入。
A Man Called Ove读后感第十一篇
You only need one ray of light to chase all the shadows away.
But none of them had looked at her the way that boy looked at her when he sad down beside her on the train. As if she were the only girl in the world.
Maybe he didn't write her poems or serenade her with songs or come home with expensive gifts. But no other boy had gone the wrong way on the train for hours every day just because he liked sitting next to her while she spoke.
We can busy ourselves with living or with dying, Ove. We have to move on.
We always think there's enough time to do things with other people. Time to say things to them. And then something happens and then we stand there holding on to words like "if".
"Loving someone is like moving into a house," Sonja used to say. "At first you fall in love with all the new things, amazed every morning that all this belongs to you, as if fearing that someone would suddenly come rushing in through the door to explain that a terrible mistake had been made, you weren't actually supposed to live in a wonderful place like this. then over the years the walls become weathered, the wood splinters here and there, and you start to love that house not so much because of all its perfection, but rather for its imperfections. You get to know all the nooks and crannies. How to avoid getting the key caught in the lock when it's cold outside. Which of the floorboards flex slightly when one steps on them or exactly how to open the wardrobe doors without them creaking. These are the little secrets that make it your home."
Death is a strange thing. People live their whole lives as if it does not exist, and yet it's often one of the great motivations for living. Some of us, in time, become so conscious of it that we live harder, more obstinately, with more fury. Some need its constant presence to even be aware of its antithesis. Others become so preoccupied with it that they go into the waiting room long before it has announced its arrival. We fear it, yet most of us fear more than anything that it may take someone other than ourselves. For the greatest fear of death is always that it will pass us by. And leave us there alone.
Something inside a man goes to pieces when he has to bury the only person who ever understood him. There is no time to heal that sort of wound.
And time is a curious thing. Most of us only live for the time that lies right ahead of us. A few days, weeks, years. One of the most painful moments in a person's life probably comes with the insight that an age has been reached when there is more to look back on than ahead. And when time no longer lies ahead of one, other things have to be lived for. Memories, perhaps. Afternoons in the sun with someone's hand clutched in one's own. The fragrance of flowerbeds in fresh bloom. Sundays in a cafe. Grandchildren, perhaps. One finds a way of living for the sake of someone else's future. And it wasn't as if One also died when Sonja left him. He just stopped living.
Grief is a strange thing.
Love is a strange thing. It takes you by surprise.
A Man Called Ove读后感第十二篇
In the novel "A Man Called Ove" by Fredrik Backman, the main character Ove has tried to take his own life multiple times in order to be with his late wife, Sonia, but each attempt has been unsuccessful. As the story unfolds and we learn why Ove is so determined to leave this world, we also see his relationships with those around him gradually revealed. Despite his wish to join his wife in heaven, Ove eventually discovers something and someone worth living for. In the end, he passes away peacefully from natural causes, leaving behind a thriving community that he had cared for and protected as his legacy.
在瑞典作家Fredrik Backman的小说《一个叫欧维的男人》中,主人公Ove为了与已故妻子Sonja团聚,多次尝试结|束自己的生命,却屡遭失败。随着故事的展开,我们不仅了解到Ove为何如此决绝地想要离开这个世界,也逐渐揭示了他与周围人的关系。尽管渴望与妻子在天国相聚,Ove终于还是发现了值得他活下去的理由。几年后,他因自然原因安详离世。他生前关怀与守护的社区里的继续有序生活,这是Ove留下的遗产。
A friend from work suggested the book 'A Man Called Ove' to me a couple of years ago, but I didn't really think much of it at the time. However, after being impressed by another book by the same author, 'Anxious People', I decided to finally give 'A Man Called Ove' a read. I was so captivated by 'Anxious People' that I ended up reading it multiple times, and now I've made it a goal to read all of the author's works, starting from his earliest book, 'A Man Called Ove', to his most recent one.
几年前,一位同事向我推荐了A Man Called Ove这本书,当时我并未太在意。但后来,我被同一位作者的Anxious People深深打动,便决定也读读A Man Called Ove。我非常喜欢Anxious People这本书,读过了几次,我也期待读完这位作者的所有作品。
In the book, the main character is Ove, a 59-year-old man who is very stubborn and has strong beliefs about what cars people should drive, what rules people should follow in a community, and what skills adults should have. Also, he is dismissive of the modern technologies that he believes has corroded the quality of the products he found reliable when he was younger. Any man who has the same characteristics in real life would be the persona non grata in the whole community, but Ove is actually a pillar of support for those around him. They include an Iranian pregnant woman who has fled her home country for a new life, her clumsy husband who Ove never has the courtesy to address by his name, her two daughters who miss their late grandpa, a life-long friend who has bickered with Ove for over 4 decades, the loving wife of this friend, a homosexual young man whose family disowns him because of his sexual orientation, a stray cat with injuries, and so many other everyday people. There is, however, one person that matters to Ove the most, although she has only existed in his memory and the grave he frequents: his late wife Sonja, who lost her father and beloved cat before she got married, and she lost her legs and unborn child in a traffic accident during her honeymoon. As I read the book, different aspects of Ove's life begin to unfold. It's not hard for readers to reach an unanimous conclusion: Ove is not a weird old geezer, but a warm-hearted, responsible, and desperately romantic Swede.
It's a small book filled with everyday details and filled with seemingly meaningless chats. However, this is why the book connects with many people worldwide. Anyone can be Ove, since we all stick to some principles somewhere in life, and we all love someone so deeply that we'd find life unbearable without them.
I would rate this book a 7.5 out of 10. I really enjoyed the themes of kindness, generosity, and integrity. Ove's sharp wit was a highlight for me, as well as the love between Ove and Sonja, and the various forms of love shown by the characters. However, as a fan of thrillers, I found the pacing to be too slow. I almost stopped reading halfway through if it wasn't for the book's reputation. I now understand why I didn't pick it up when my colleague first recommended it to me - I was too busy with a fast-paced lifestyle to read any books.