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《Normal People》读后感精选

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《Normal People》读后感精选
时间:2024-08-23 20:55:10   小编:

《Normal People》是作者Sally Rooney的一部小说,讲述了两个来自不同阶层的年轻人之间复杂的感情纠葛。小说以细腻的笔触和深刻的洞察力描绘了人性的多面性和情感的复杂性,引人深思。这部小说不仅是一部优秀的文学作品,更是对当代社会人际关系的深刻反思。

Normal People读后感第一篇




Normal People读后感第二篇

趁着这周车子坏了在维修, 有了早上坐公交车看书的时间。 Emmmm, 剧情就是目前13-15岁的青少年可以看的校园偶像剧吧, 作者九零后。 比较积极的意义在于: 坦白地说,是个很不错的学英语地道日常交流的材料。 简单通俗易懂, 在kinokunyia买书的时候它被放在了推荐畅销书目的地方,买是因为不厚,看了第一页觉得不会看不下去,事实上的确没有。但是目前很纳闷它是如何称为畅销书的,可能会回看是不是自己误解了它。

Normal People读后感第三篇

发现了关于玛丽安和康奈尔关系的三个节点:第一次玛丽安和康奈尔两人因为误会而分手,一个以为康奈尔要回家meet someone,一个不好意思开口留下,仅仅因为误会break up。另外两个节点都与之相似,但是发生了不同的变化,第二次玛丽安一开始顾左而言他,最后挑明自己有点伤心,因为康奈尔没有邀请她出去,而实际上康奈尔邀请了只不过玛丽安没有听到,两人合理的解开误会。最后一次发生在本书的最后,康奈尔收到了来着纽约的offer,但是申请的时候并没有告诉玛丽安,玛丽安觉得他可能爱上了Sadie,没有犹豫或者是言明别的一些什么,而是直接挑出,这是玛丽安的变化,她敢于说出自己的需求和疑问。


Normal People读后感第四篇







Normal People读后感第五篇




而在中学的时候, 玛丽安的生活是安静的,孤独的,不说话的,她没有什么朋友,午饭时间经常一个人在读小说,她的父亲在她十三岁的时候去世了,之后就经常有人说她得了某种精神疾病什么的,她住在一个大宅子里面,这也许是其它同学恨她的另一个原因,她住在一个大宒里面,家里固定请清洁女工收拾,所以她经常见到女工的儿子康奈儿,但是虽然她们经常在她家里见面,但是在学校里,他们却一直假装不认识,从不说话,也不进行眼神交流。她在学校被认为是一个讨厌的人。流传的关于她的故事都不是那么友好。




Normal People读后感第六篇


书中的人物性格极具代表性。有钱无爱的家庭中长大的女主角Marianne,爱无能,缺乏安全感,在亲密关系中有“被虐”、“被征服”的倾向; 而出身于工人阶级单身家庭的男主角Connel 倒不缺爱。他因贫穷而自卑,总觉得自己不够聪明,在意旁人看法,难以融入交际圈子,以至于更倾向于关注别人的感受,牺牲一定自我。 缺钱或缺爱,都使人缺乏勇气去确认彼此的感情,所以友谊爱情傻傻琢磨不清楚,耽误了好几年的时光。

他们都误以为对方会抛弃自己。Connel 担心自己配不上Marianne,所以他退居其要位置,甘愿与她保持朋友关系,也不想朋友都做不成;Marianne又总是偏执地认为Connel 不喜欢她、想要离开她。她常觉得是自己做错了什么,才使他与她刻意保持着距离。

他们经历了普通人青少年到青年时期会遇到的种种困难: 阶层冲突、人际矛盾、异地爱情、好友自杀、原生家庭痛苦······也接触了少数群体——心理医生、性变态摄影师、家暴亲人······成长之艰难曲折,让人紧张。两人分分合合,即便到了结尾,也没能确定能否真正在一起。这就是青春吧,两人互动、成长间隙充斥了那么多的未知和已知变量,因此交集过后,线条总好像要趋向平行。没有什么是确定的,没有什么是稳定的。他们能珍惜的只有此时此刻,以及互相取暖的记忆。




只是我对这本书有一点遗憾:作者笔下的主人公从来不为学业烦恼,他们都是学霸。这就很不normal people了啊哈哈哈哈。

期待它能够拍成爱情电影,拍的比 ONE DAY (《一年恋一天》好) :D

Normal People读后感第七篇

我看了很久才把这本书看完。语言没什么值得挑剔的,偶尔也现金句,能引起共鸣。前几章非常精彩,我差点儿就以为这是一个精彩的,充满戏剧性的,峰回路转的小甜文了。比如One Day或者Love,Rosie之类的。结果,真是大失所望。






Normal People读后感第八篇

看完正常人以后,适合单曲循环霉霉的illicit affairs。

看完这本书,我应该就读完鲁尼的所有作品了。包括两个短篇Mr. Salary和Color and Light.

回过头重新打分的话,我会推荐还没看过鲁尼作品的人先看Normal People(虽然这是我读的最后一部鲁尼作品,诶,就是喜欢拧着来)。然后可以看看短篇Mr. Salary。接着看Conversations with Friends. 剩下的,如果特别喜欢鲁尼就看,感觉一般就可以不看了。

我的第一本鲁尼是Conversations with Friends, 看完后并没有特别喜欢,好像打了3星?但现在回过头,星星数量可能也不会变,但是Conversations里的激进程度和私活含量,我反而更加推崇。Normal People呢,写的更成熟稳重一些,也更聚拢一些,所以打了四星。

Normal People肯定是会获得更多读者的,很多人都能在Connell和Marianne找到自己的影子。如果你是小镇出生,通过读书来到大城市的,就会共情Connell“回不去的故乡,留不下的都市”的漂泊感;如果你因为特立独行,不迎合群众被边缘化,就会共情被霸凌的Marianne;如果你原生家庭“不正常”,缺乏安全感,就会共情感情中无法归属的Marianne;如果你因为阶级差异产生自卑感,就会共情Connell......因为鲁尼通过Connell和Marianne写了很多年轻人的苦恼和困境,所以会受到很多人喜欢。

霉霉在illicit affairs里唱:

“make sure nobody sees you leave”, Marianne就是这样和Connel展开了一段畸形的关系,两人私下心意相通,Marianne却理解Connell希望做正常人的想法,和他秘密交往,在学校扮不熟,结果却是Connell加入到霸凌Marianne的团体,狠狠伤害了Marianne;

“take the road less traveled by”, Connell和Marianne是有共同语言的,所以听从了Marianne的建议,离开了熟悉的圈子和世俗的成功,选择了来大城市都柏林学习真正喜欢的英语;

“tell yourself you can always stop”, 来到大学以后,Connell没有了同侪压力,却感知到了阶级差异,仍然无法和Marianne建立正常的恋人关系,Marianne因为心理创伤,随时都做好了准备Connell会再次抛弃他,后来也确实因为误会,两人再次分开;

“you showed me colors you know I can’t see with anyone else”, “you taught me a secret language I can’t speak with anyone else”, Connell和Marianne在灵魂上实际上是非常契合的,但现实中,却有社会、心理等等隔阂。

“for you I would ruin myself a million little times”,Marianne虽然一次次被Connell有意无意的伤害,却只要Connell示好,就立马原谅,重投怀抱,受虐型人格完全形成。

Normal People读后感第九篇

Connell得到纽约工作申请Marianne鼓励他去,互相已经让对方成为一个更好的人。M想他可能不会回来,也可能会回来,他们现在彼此所拥有的一切也不会才回来了“what they have now they can never have back again 。”但这对她造成的孤独伤痛相比,她过去常常所习惯的痛并没有大不了,也没有价值。“but for her the pain of loneliness will be nothing to the pain that she used feel,of being unworthy ……they’ve done a lot of good for each other.Really, she thinks, really.People can really change one another ”看到这里kindle 显示97%,突然就戛然而止了,后面是鸣谢,按照故事的节奏的好像可以继续写下去。男女主互相救赎彼此。这本小说我看完都觉得情节一般,除了某些片段的活动场景的描写特别不错。男女主的爱情关系真是,明明那么相爱却又很冷漠疏离,看起来有点怪。

不喜欢这种人物边缘关系的小说,没有亲情女主冷漠刻薄的家人,以及朋友关系也没有多少温暖背后指指点点。导致女主因为太受周围这些人伤害,被说有精神问题孤僻,她竟然会觉得自己不值得被爱自己是会让别人悲惨。WTF看不懂逻辑女主也没做错什么,是你周围的人有so mean吧




今天意外的把这本书《normal people 》看了一半。sally Ronny 的conversation with friends 之前我没看多少,主要是我觉得关系一言难尽。这本秉承她的风格吧,譬如[允悲]人物对话不打引号。不同于一般言情小说的写作方式,还有推动故事情节的逻辑个人觉得有点弱。中学的时候,女主是那种孤僻被人指点嘲笑欺负有精神病那种,男主和她在一起以及发生关系都偷偷摸,叫女主不要公开他们的关系,怕同学知道后连自己也被嘲笑。男主的母亲在女主家帮佣,女主家庭条件不错,可能由于家暴书中只说了一句。后来到了大学两个人一个反转,女主突然受欢迎(情节太跳跃了),男主反倒格格不入因为他的家境之类,男女主又保持开放有性的“朋友关系”感觉好看的点不在于情节haunted 而是描写表达的方式语言的精妙


今天看到80%“”无缘无故”人物太致郁了,发展转的有点快,男主因为一个不太熟的朋友自杀又和女友分手(不是女主)搞得很丧有抑郁倾向,因为几件事哭了几次,你说你一个大男人,描写女主都没哭几次,女主因为家人的缺爱和指责,觉得自己是苦逼的人不值得被人爱,还被分手男友(不是男主)以及朋友背后说心理有问题。男主因为自己家境觉得融不进。男女主都是那种交际边缘被人群所排斥难以合群的那类人,即努力的想做一个“normal people ”的不正常的人。叫我说真的有点无病呻吟矫情,没啦~男主也是真的作,尤其几次分手,第一次觉得爱情小说的男的可以这么作的哦。男女主真的相爱吗???老天啊,为什么双方视角描写对彼此会有很心动,以及互相受伤害后互相取暖的照顾,什么“best friends ”sally 的描写也偏向冷静自制不像少女心的言情小说那种强烈的感情pouring ,她喜欢把副词放句首,句子很长,用否定反意表达肯定的含义,绕来绕去就是简单一句话的表达,可能作家都是为了显示语言文字功力的强大吧

Normal People读后感第十篇


我是很喜欢Conversations with Friends的,因此读Normal People之前对这本书有很高的期望,事实证明希望越大失望越大,前三分之二很大程度上都是强撑过去的(好在最后三分之一还是不失水准),尤其是Marianne和Connell从高中到大学第一年的种种,简直就像在看YA小说或是美式校园爆米花电影,实在太cliché。读Conversations的时候让我非常惊喜的一点在于Rooney笔下的情节走向总是出人意料,但很可惜在Normal People这里多数情节都有些太predicable太套路化了。


另一点我要吐槽的是,正文中出现的关键词次数实在太多了。很显然Normal People围绕normal这个词展开,可是我也不需要每隔几页就被提醒一下“这不normal”“这才normal”“那个看上去normal但其实不normal”“我终于normal了”好不啦。读Conversations with Friends的时候我也会对conversation这个词格外敏感,但它在小说中出现得并不那么频繁,每次出现的时候也确实比较恰如其分。但normal这个词我真快看吐了,每次读到它我就产生一阵心悸,就像念高中的时候做语文阅读题,脑海里时常浮现作者一边打字一边大声疾呼“我在点题!我在点题啊!!”的画面。Seriously, it's not normal.



另外Rooney真的很喜欢写好看的人聪明的人和有钱的人,虽然我也喜欢看这些人的故事,但是看多了未免有点伤感不是吗T T。

所幸的是小说最后20%又是熟悉的配方,Connell的抑郁感受,Marianne的自我拷问都很深入人心,读到最后也还是感动了一把:"He brought her goodness like a gift and now it belongs to her."有点像Never Let Me Go里面Miss Emily对Kathy说的那样:"We were able to give you something, something which even now no one will ever take from you."

Normal People读后感第十一篇


When I was about halfway through this book, I jotted down three words on my iPad: normal, love, change. I then tried to formulate some questions around these three words. After finishing the book, I hope to answer these questions based on my understanding of the story, thereby reflecting my thoughts and opinions in my book report.

What’s the definition of “normal people”? Does it equate to the majority of society?

In both the world depicted in the book and the real world, most people unconsciously or consciously equate the definition of “normal person” with the majority in society.

In the world of the book, Marianne in high school is different from the majority. Coming from a wealthy family and having good grades, she clearly understands her own goals and desires, refusing to conform to the majority and thus being viewed as peculiar. This can be seen in scenes where Marianne changing her underwear in the bathroom becomes a source of ridicule, or when she is not invited to the school dance, and the idle gossip of her classmates and so on. However, in St. Trinity College, Marianne becomes the majority, while Connell, due to his background of family and difficulty adjusting to the new environment and socializing, becomes the abnormal minority. (Of course, I also believe there are some reasons related to Marianne, which I will analyze later on.) The change in environment alters the characteristics attributed to the majority, consequently defining what is considered normal or abnormal for an individual. This is absurd, but we must admit that it is a fact in real life.

In the real world, there are some individuals with six fingers who are considered to be outliers and are labeled as having a condition called "hexadactyly." But is this really the reason they are regarded as different? In fact, apart from the extra finger, their lives are no different from others. Their "abnormality" is likely only perceived because it deviates from the majority of people in the world. If one day, due to nuclear contamination, all of humanity mutated and grew an extra finger, it is possible that those who still had five fingers would be considered "abnormal."

In this conceptual framework, everyone is considered abnormal because each individual has unique experiences and thoughts. However, in order to obtain some form of social connection, I have to say that it becomes important to disguise oneself as a normal person. The challenge lies in not being swayed by the allure of being labeled as "normal" and instead, persevering in choosing the right path at the right time, which is difficult but crucial.

How does a family influence a person? How does society shape a person? And how does love empower someone to save themselves?

I believe that the influence of a family on an individual is like the relationship between soil and a seed, deeply embedded within their heart and character. Marianne 's family provided her with good financial conditions, allowing her to have clear goals since childhood and the courage to be a minority. However, due to her father's domestic violence towards her mother, Mariannetolerates her brother's bullying and has a great sense of insecurity in relationships. Connell 's family, although lacking in good financial conditions, instilled kindness and unwavering love in him, making him feel inferior in college and in his relationship with Marianne. However, his family also helped him discern right from wrong even when conforming to the majority, ultimately enabling him to become the person he wanted to be.

And society strives to make people become the same, to become the "majority," also known as "normal people ", as mentioned in the first question.

Love can help people accept and change everything. Connell would change his old habit of conforming and stand up when Marianne is bullied at the party. With Marianne n's support, he also chose to pursue his passion in English literature, eventually becoming a writer instead of a lawyer. Marianne, on the other hand, becomes brave and strong because of Connell's unwavering love, and she no longer tolerates her brother's bullying as she did in high school, choosing instead to fight back.

Moreover, I believe that the romantic relationship they had during high school changed both of them significantly. Cornell chose the English major that Marianne suggested, and in college, he would reject some meaningless social interactions, just like the high school Marianne. And Marianne, on the other hand, slowly learned how to integrate herself into groups and interact with the majority of people. However, no matter how much they change, they both have an intrinsic belief in each other and expose their truest selves, giving each other the courage to become who they truly are.

Love is a magical emotion that can make you realize that someone's support and affection are far more important than the approval of the majority in society. It can shield you from all distractions and help you see your true self or heal the wounds inflicted by your family.

At the beginning, I wrote that "the right to be a minority is the privilege of love" as my answer. However, after finishing reading the end of the book, my perspective completely changed. The ending of the book does not portray Marianne and Connell living happily ever after together, their story continues with Connell going to study in London while Marianne continues with her own life. Therefore, I believe that the right to be a minority is not something granted by love, but rather an innate quality. What love can do in this process is to give courage, the courage to choose to exercise this right. So, my current answer is "love can give people the courage to be a minority." This might be changed in the future, but at the moment, this is indeed what I think.

The story begins in February 2011, and then each chapter unfolds every few months. The time span between chapters varies from just a few days to several months, creating a dynamic narrative pace throughout the whole story. On one hand, this approach makes the story resemble a diary, with its precise timestamps. On the other hand, the third-person perspective allows readers to delve into the inner thoughts, feelings, and processes of all characters, magnifying them in the text and immersing readers in the book in a way that cannot be experienced through a television drama.

The TV series is well-made, capturing the minute details in the protagonists' eye contact and costume changes, closely aligning with the original work. However, one aspect that may not be fully conveyed in the TV series is the characters' immediate thoughts and reactions within certain situations. As the TV show focuses on depicting emotional changes from the perspective of the main characters, it inevitably sacrifices some explanatory details and inner thoughts. In contrast, the novel provides a multitude of small thoughts and detailed scene descriptions that I find incredibly genuine and moving.

Actually, my emotions about this book are complex. I prefer the kind of resolute and certain love in relationship rather than the trial and separation that happens between the characters. However, I came across a statement in someone else's review that struck me: "The advantage readers have over the characters in a love story is that we can always see what both of them are thinking from a God's view. But even when two people are very much in love and completely sure of each other, at the beginning, they sense the presence of a third party in the relationship: the unspoken, the ignored, or the unknown. (读者比书中恋爱的两个人幸福的一点是,我们始终能以上帝视角,知道他们彼此在想什么。而即使心心相印无比确定彼此的爱的两个人,在开始的时候,也是惴惴不安,全靠猜测的。)" I have to admit that Marion and Cornell did indeed grow and change through this mutual affirmation and struggle. So, I think this statement might widen my reading perspective and allow me to explore something different amidst the pull and push of such relationships.

(1) What is the relationship between sex and love in Western culture? What role does sex play in terms of plot and emotions in this book?

(2) Why is Eric's death such a huge blow to Cornell? What exactly are his emotions towards Eric?

(3) Why does Marianne enjoy some deviant sexual behaviors? But at the same time, she feels that she is not herself during those moments? Is it because of the influence of her father's domestic violence? Shouldn't she despise such behavior? Or perhaps this narrative intends to express the inherent human depravity?

(4) Why is the book cover depicting two people hugging and lying inside a can? In fact, whether it is Marianne or Cornell, even when they become outliers, I don't believe they are living in a vacuum of complete isolation like being trapped inside a can. Both of them clearly demonstrate plot elements indicating that they are influenced by the majority of people.

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